Note: BYROW is a beta function available only through the Insiders channel of Excel 365. The BYROW function takes two arguments: array and lambda. Array is the array or range to process. Lambda is the LAMBDA function that should be run on each row in array. The LAMBDA function must return a single result for each column, or BYROW will return a #CALC! error.
To sum each row in a range, you can use the BYROW function like this: The BYROW function delivers the contents of range one row at a time to the LAMBDA function, which uses the SUM function to calculate a total for each row. BYROW then delivers the results from the LAMBDA calculation in a single array. If range contains 10 rows, BYROW returns an array that contains 10 sums.
Worksheet example
In the worksheet shown above, the BYROW function is used to run 2 separate calculations on data, which is the named range C5:H15. In cell J5, the formula below is used to calculate a sum for each row: Because there are 11 rows in data, the result is an array with 11 sums like this: The values in this array spill into the range J5:J15. The formulas below are other examples of how BYROW can be used on the same data with formulas that follow the same pattern:
Count cells over 90
In cell K5, the formula is a bit more complex. The goal in this case is to count the values in each row greater than 90: Working from the inside out, a logical expression is used to check all values in row against 90, and the resulting TRUE and FALSE values are coerced to 1s and 0s by the double-negative (–). The SUM function sums the result and returns a count. As before, the LAMBDA is run on each row in the data, so there are 11 results total that spill into the range K5:K15. See Boolean operations in array formulas for more information about the logic inside of SUM. Note: the COUNTIF function could be used instead of SUM. Note that COUNTIF requires a range and can’t use an in-memory array so there are some situations where COUNTIF isn’t an option.
Dave Bruns
Hi - I’m Dave Bruns, and I run Exceljet with my wife, Lisa. Our goal is to help you work faster in Excel. We create short videos, and clear examples of formulas, functions, pivot tables, conditional formatting, and charts.